

      Apt# / PO Box
      StatePostal Code

        First Name
        Last Name

              Please chose one of the following answers: Do you understand that access could take up to 12-24 hours, you will receive a confirmation email of your submission and that it's in review?

                Please provide a REFERENCE, BOOKING or CONTAINER number from a shipment we have moved for you to verify the correct Bill To.

                  * SPAM Prevention (please solve the math problem below):

                  54 + 1 =

                  AMX now has the ability to email you copies of BOL's/POD's, In-gates & Out-gates the moment they are scanned into our software system. Please keep in mind that this info can ONLY be sent to one email recipient that can accept ALL of your companies BOL/POD/TIRs company wide. It CAN NOT be based on individual locations & personnel. If you need further clarification- please contact Julie Rhodes at 216-268-3005

                  If you are interested in our Document Transfer option- please fill out the form below.

                    Please chose which document you would like to receive via email the moment it is scanned into our software system.

                        First Name
                        Last Name

                            Please provide a reference number so we can verify your information

                              Please enter an email address of the person you want to receive the copies of the above. There is a limit to TWO receivers. Please separate with a comma

